Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

Today we got a bunch of cold white stuff dumped on our sidewalks. All of the sidewalks around us got it too, so there was no escaping it. I really hate going outside because it makes my feet cold, and when it falls from the sky, it makes me wet. Ew.
I understand that we have to go outside to go potty. If we don't, Mom and Dad get really mad. But today, with all the white stuff, Mom decided to take us for a WALK!! Who does that?!
Damon thought it was great. He just ran along jumping in the white stuff like it was food. I wouldn't mind it either if I was fat and hairy like him. But I'm not! I'm skinny and don't have much fur - I belong inside on days like today!!!
At first I tried to shake out my feet, but Mom kept pulling me and saying, "Come on, Jack."
So I walked and cried, walked and cried while Damon acted like it was the greatest thing we'd ever done.
Suck up. They still remember you peed on the bed last week.
When we got to the end of the block I thought we'd turn around and come back but no...we just kept walking. This is where I put my foot (well...butt) down. I was not walking anymore! So I sat and cried and knew Mom would eventually pick me up (which she did). And I spent the rest of our ''walk'' snuggled against Mom. It was still cold, but at least my feet could dry off.
And get this - Damon cried when we went INSIDE. Mom had to drag him in. I don't get it. He must be adopted.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

While i have you for a few seconds

Yes, Yes, I know I have not been on here for a while, but daddy got a new computer so he doesn't leave it alone very much and Damon, well he is Damon and won't leave me alone.

We have both been sick with colds so today I was finally feeling better and please feel free to send chicken noodle soup, hold the soup, hehehe.

Also look at my daddy's blog to see our pictures from Halloween, I still can't figure out why he would dress me up with a big piece of fabric on my back so Damon could pull me all day.

Anyways, Christmas lists are to come so look out for those.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I just had to laugh

The other day the Bigger one of the big ones went to the room with all of the water and called for the puppy. I immediately went to the other side of the room knowing something was up. I could tell by the way the other big one was acting that they had planned something. But the puppy was so stupid, he went forward like nothing was wrong. So silly and young I thought to myself as I curled underneath the pillow so they could not see me.But the puppy went in there and before you know he came out all wet. But you know what? He was not scared and in fact it looked like he really liked it! I could not believe my little eyes, but I still had to take some pictures and share them all with you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am way cuter than that smooshed face picture.
And Jack loves having a brother.
Oh, and Jack, you shouldn't write down the password to your blog. I'm a baby, but I can read, you know.

An interesting situation

So if you hadn't noticed I took a little bit of time off from my blog. Why is that you may ask? Well I was starting to get real comfortable. The weekend day trips, the long hours sleeping on the bed, frequent trips to the dog park — these things can really wear on a dog's time. Truth be told I was getting comfortable and I was about to release videotape of my first birthday when something happened. Damon. You may not know it but there has been an addition to my house. I was all sacked out on the couch one night when there came a rapping on my door. The big ones answered it nd this long-haired, smooshed-face, shorty of a (I think) a dog came waddling in. I just sat back and let him look around, thinking he would leave soon, but soon he came up to me and started biting my legs, "How Rude," I said to him. But that did not stop him and he kept doing it. So I did what I had learned in my obedience classes and took myself out of the situation, but he did not leave. In fact 10 minutes later when the second group of big ones left, he was still there. Then that night, he was there and he cried the whole time. I just couldn't shake him.

So now I never get any privacy, when I am on the couch he wants on the couch and when I am eating he wants my food. He even plays with the underwear that I was about to steal from the hamper.

And you want to know the worse part about it? He is even now dressing like me.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bah Humbug!

Last night while mommy and daddy were sleeping I found the BEST chew toy! It was hidden under the bed with all of those things the Big Ones hung on that tree they brought in the house right around Christmas time.
It was some white thing with my paws on it - daddy called it an ornament. Whatever it was, it's in a million little pieces now!!!
Daddy vacuumed up all the little pieces. Mommy said, "Bad, Jack."

Friday, December 14, 2007

The new dog park

Last week we went to a new dog park. It was kind of far away but there were a lot of great dogs there, I always pick on the big ones because I am fast. There was even a dog that looked like a bigger version of me.

I also met a big fat guy named Santa, he was pretty nice and I liked him because sitting on his belly felt like sitting on a pillow. After words we went to the farmers market it was fun.

Have you checked out my screen saver?

Download the google screen saver and then change your preferences to get my image feed:

You can call the big ones if you need some help.